Turkey Time! Hot Tips for Thanksgiving Pet Safety Success

Pet-safe Thanksgiving.

This time of year, we are simply inundated with shopping lists, raking leaves, and football games. And it’s no secret that preparations for “Turkey Day” can take their toll on families across the country.

Whether you’re hosting or traveling, we encourage all pet owners to take into account what Thanksgiving pet safety is all about. That way, you can enjoy the festivities while protecting your best friend from an unfortunate illness or injury.

Get Togethers

Many pets are incredibly social and laid back when it comes to strangers and routine disruptions. Others have great difficulty, and react in various ways like running away or hiding. Knowing the signs of stress and anxiety is helpful and can prevent dangerous escape attempts.


Hot Weather Tips for Reptiles and Amphibians

bearded dragon relaxing.

Every individual, regardless of species, has their own preferred optimum temperature range (POTR). For pet reptiles and amphibians, achieving their POTR is essential to their physical and mental well-being. Without the ability to generate their own heat, these exotic pets rely on external heat sources. It makes sense then to think that reptiles and amphibians would enjoy some time in the summer heat. It’s a great opportunity, but allowing an exotic pet to experience the full splendor of the season should be done under caution and constant supervision.


Swimming Pool Safety for Pets

Welsh corgi swimming in the swimming pool.

It’s time to dive head-first into summer fun, and if your plans include lazy days by a swimming pool with your pet, you’ve come to the right place!

At Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital, we want you to fully enjoy the summer season with your pets by your side, so we’ve put together some swimming pool safety tips to protect your furry friends around the swimming pool this summer.
