National Pet Poison Prevention Month

If something is bad for our pets, they’ll instinctively know not to eat it, right? If only it were that simple! March has been designated as National Pet Poison Prevention Month to raise awareness for all the hazards for pets lurking right under our noses.
At Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital, we take pet safety seriously year round, and in honor of National Pet Poison Prevention Month, our team has gathered some guidelines to help pet families keep their pets safe.
Continue…Winter Pet Care in South Texas

Everybody outside of Texas knows about our scorching summers, but less is known about our winter conditions. Winter pet care in South Texas is just as important as it is anywhere else, and we can help you get through chilly nights, windy days, and overcast skies.
Continue…Turkey Time! Hot Tips for Thanksgiving Pet Safety Success

This time of year, we are simply inundated with shopping lists, raking leaves, and football games. And it’s no secret that preparations for “Turkey Day” can take their toll on families across the country.
Whether you’re hosting or traveling, we encourage all pet owners to take into account what Thanksgiving pet safety is all about. That way, you can enjoy the festivities while protecting your best friend from an unfortunate illness or injury.
Get Togethers
Many pets are incredibly social and laid back when it comes to strangers and routine disruptions. Others have great difficulty, and react in various ways like running away or hiding. Knowing the signs of stress and anxiety is helpful and can prevent dangerous escape attempts.