Pet Disaster Preparedness Can Help Ensure Pet Safety

Between 1950 and 2010, almost 2,400 extreme weather events were recorded within 50 miles of San Antonio. While it’s rare to see wildfire or heavy snow here, we endure high winds, thunderstorms, hail, and flooding from year to year. 

Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital is here to give you the rundown. Residents must take steps to secure their property and personal welfare from natural disasters. Pet owners have to take extra precautions to guarantee that their pets stay out of harm’s way. Cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, pocket pets, and livestock all reap the benefits associated with a proactive approach to pet safety. 


Why Pet Grooming is Important to Your Pet’s Health

Gray tabby on lab getting claws trimmed

With our increasingly busy lives, it may seem as if grooming our pet is just one more chore. After all, her coat looks pretty good, so why bother?

Grooming is not just about bows and brushes, it’s an essential part of caring for your pet. Besides brushing, pet grooming also means looking after your pet’s teeth, nails, eyes, ears, and coat — all of which add up to a healthy, happy, and beautiful pet.


Kiss of Death: Chagas Disease in Dogs

Texans are no strangers to bugs. Big, small, and in between, they are a part of life here in the south. Many of them are harmless, but others can be the bearers of serious trouble.

Kissing, or assassin, bugs are one of those critters that we want pet owners to worry about. The bite of this insect can carry an infection that is one to avoid. Chagas Disease in dogs is something that Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital wants Texan pet owners should know about.
