Are We There Yet? Understanding Pets With Car Anxiety
Even with our knowledge of auto mechanics, barreling down the road in a metal box is disconcerting when you stop to think about it. Sure, we have road rules and driver’s tests (not to mention airbags), but try telling a pet with an intense fear of car travel that it will all be “OK.”
Of all the common animal behaviors, pets with car anxiety top the list. Fortunately, there are supportive strategies to help soothe your pet’s nerves.
Narrowing it Down
There are notable differences between fear, anxiety, and phobia. Recognizing your pet’s fear is an excellent first step, but early intervention is necessary to prevent anxiety and full-blown phobia. Continue…
Protect Your Companion: Summer Pet Safety Awareness
Summertime in San Antonio means hot, humid days, and staying cool is the number one priority. It’s also important to protect your pet from the warm weather and intense UV rays.
Proper summer pet safety means adjusting your daily care routine, including exercise and outdoor playtime. To help your companion deal with the dog days of summer, our team has compiled some of the most effective summer pet safety tips.
Severe Weather Pet Safety: Are You Prepared?
Even if you haven’t lived in San Antonio very long, chances are you have already experienced some severe weather in our fair city. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail, and flooding are all possible, and likely, in our corner of the world.
Many of us have at least a vague plan in place for our families and ourselves in the event of severe weather or natural disaster, but how many have factored pets into the equation? Preparing ahead of time for the care and protection of your pets in the event of emergency is critical to their safety.
Planning Ahead For Severe Weather Pet Safety
It’s important for pet owners to have supplies gathered and a plan in place for their pets in the event of a severe storm or other natural disaster. Continue…