Winter Pet Care in South Texas

Everybody outside of Texas knows about our scorching summers, but less is known about our winter conditions. Winter pet care in South Texas is just as important as it is anywhere else, and we can help you get through chilly nights, windy days, and overcast skies.
Continue…Ways To Treat Pet Allergies

The beauty of spring brings fresh blooms, leaves and flowers and their not-so-lovely additions of pollen, bugs, and allergens. With it all, our pets scratch, itch, and sneeze, just like humans do, and since they are part of the family—and they count on us for care every day—the last thing we want is for them to be uncomfortable. The experts at Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital team are here to help! We gathered up-to-date information to help you understand pet allergies, how to recognize the symptoms, and some of the best ways to find relief for your pet.
Continue…Summer Pet Safety in San Antonio & Beyond

San Antonio’s is well known for our hot, humid summers. While many of us love the hot temps (and others loathe them), we must remember summer pet safety. By establishing summer pet safety guidelines, you can keep your pets safe from the heat without sacrificing seasonal fun.