Wrapped Up With a Bow, Holiday Pet Safety Is the Gift That Keeps On Giving

With so many distractions this time of year, our priorities can shift overnight. From cookie swaps to toy donation drives, potlucks to caroling, our collective calendars are simply overflowing – a fact not missed by most pets. As a result, the things that usually hold us together get flipped upside down.
Luckily, with an eye on prevention you can keep the good times rolling. Holiday pet safety doesn’t have to be confusing, and it doesn’t have to stand in the way of any seasonal fun.
Continue…Avoiding Pancreatitis in Pets this Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, it is time to take a moment to reflect on pet safety. As activities and gatherings start to happen, it gets difficult to consider all the potential hazards for your animals. Doing a little prep work on the front end is likely a little more manageable, though.
Most of us know to avoid tinsel for kitties and chocolate for dogs, but have you thought about the risk of pancreatitis over the holidays? Keep reading to learn Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital’s best tips for preventing pancreatitis in pets.
Continue…Battling Fear, Phobia, and Pet Anxiety With Patience and Understanding

Summer has a lot to offer pets and their families, but sadly the season is not free of threats to their health and wellness. Aside from the risks associated with high heat and humidity, pets have to contend with thunderstorms, fireworks, large-scale events, and backyard BBQs. Sure, some pets can remain calm, but others are at an increased risk of developing deeply-felt pet anxiety.
So Many Choices
Like us, pets feel emotions, and the ways in which they respond to certain stimuli can be unexpected. For example, some pet owners may underestimate the extent of their pet’s fear, stress, or anxiety – or not even realize they’re suffering at all. Pets are hardwired to hide signs of fear, but once pet anxiety takes root it can be difficult to overcome.