Why Own Avian and Exotic Pets?

From pet birds to guinea pigs, the world of exotic pets provides a wide range of benefits for aspiring pet owners. If you are considering adding a new member to your family, the team Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital wants to help you make the best decision for your needs. Keep reading to find out some of the great things to expect from owning an avian or exotic pet:
Continue…Keeping Your Pet Ferret Healthy and Happy

A pet Ferret requires more care and attention than a pocket pet like a hamster. But they need less indoor and outdoor space than a dog. Their diet and habitat requirements are pretty specific. They have that distinctive musky aroma that is just part of who they are! Basically, ferrets are not for every family. But if you’re ready to welcome a spunky, curious, social, and intelligent critter into your home, read on to learn more about the basics of ferret care.
Continue…How to Tell If You Have a Sick Pet Bird

Despite the fact that many birds can talk, they don’t use this amazing skill to tell us when they’re unwell. Instead, you’ll see symptoms affecting the eyes, beak, feather, and behavior. While it’s not always 100% clear to tell, a close look at their appearance can help you determine if you have a sick pet bird on your hands. Because their health is critical to maintain, we are here to help you identify warning signals and offer suggestions to help your ailing avian.