Turkey Time! Hot Tips for Thanksgiving Pet Safety Success

This time of year, we are simply inundated with shopping lists, raking leaves, and football games. And it’s no secret that preparations for “Turkey Day” can take their toll on families across the country.
Whether you’re hosting or traveling, we encourage all pet owners to take into account what Thanksgiving pet safety is all about. That way, you can enjoy the festivities while protecting your best friend from an unfortunate illness or injury.
Get Togethers
Many pets are incredibly social and laid back when it comes to strangers and routine disruptions. Others have great difficulty, and react in various ways like running away or hiding. Knowing the signs of stress and anxiety is helpful and can prevent dangerous escape attempts.
Wrapped Up With a Bow, Holiday Pet Safety Is the Gift That Keeps On Giving

With so many distractions this time of year, our priorities can shift overnight. From cookie swaps to toy donation drives, potlucks to caroling, our collective calendars are simply overflowing – a fact not missed by most pets. As a result, the things that usually hold us together get flipped upside down.
Luckily, with an eye on prevention you can keep the good times rolling. Holiday pet safety doesn’t have to be confusing, and it doesn’t have to stand in the way of any seasonal fun.
Continue…Show Your Love: Opt-Out of Giving a Pet as a Gift

Who wouldn’t be charmed by a puppy or kitten popping out of a holiday gift box complete with a bright red bow on top? From cartoons to commercials, this holiday trope seems as old as time. And while pet adoptions that start this way can work out terrifically, giving a pet as a gift to someone else, sadly, doesn’t always have wonderful results. The good news is that you can contribute in other ways to the overall health and happiness of everyone involved.