How Can I Help My Pet Cope With Loud Noises?

It’s that time of year again when the air is filled with exploding fireworks and roman candles. An onslaught of firecrackers, sounding off at midnight can terrify your pet. For some pets, it is just another night, but for others, they may be alarmed to the point of shaking, crying, or hiding. It can be difficult to comfort your pet throughout the night, but the veterinary team at Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital has come up with a list of tips to help you and your pet cope with the loud noises this year:
Continue…Avoiding Pancreatitis in Pets this Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, it is time to take a moment to reflect on pet safety. As activities and gatherings start to happen, it gets difficult to consider all the potential hazards for your animals. Doing a little prep work on the front end is likely a little more manageable, though.
Most of us know to avoid tinsel for kitties and chocolate for dogs, but have you thought about the risk of pancreatitis over the holidays? Keep reading to learn Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital’s best tips for preventing pancreatitis in pets.
Continue…Wake Up! It’s Time for Halloween Pet Safety

It’s pretty easy to get distracted by any approaching holiday, but with Halloween’s sugar and costume-filled intensity, preparing for the spookiest day of the year can be truly engrossing.
Without a doubt, even the most organized among us can forget important things like routine and safety in the long shadow of seasonal fun. However, with a concerted approach to Halloween pet safety you can still have all the amusement without the real scares.