Up and At ‘Em: Post Surgical Care for Pets

Taking care of a human patient after surgery is hard enough, but the job can be even more difficult when your patient can’t speak or understand what is going on.

Most post-surgical care for pets needs to be provided by the pet owner, and Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital is willing to share all of our best tips to get your furry patient up and moving again as soon as possible. 

Read the Directions

Every pet is different, and every surgery is a little different as well. It is very important that our expert staff is able to work with you as a pet owner to ensure the best recovery possible. 


I Think My Pet Has Allergies. What Can I Do to Help Them?

While many triggers can certainly affect us year round, allergy “season” has officially arrived. This means lots of sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion caused by pollen-producing flowers. Like us, pets can be triggered by plant particles, but they suffer from other allergens, as well, lasting far beyond the typical spring/hay fever season. 

A pet’s allergy symptoms differ greatly from our own, however, and they can be incredibly subtle or misleading. If you suspect your pet has allergies to something, but aren’t quite sure, we have some tips to help connect the dots.


Kiss of Death: Chagas Disease in Dogs

Texans are no strangers to bugs. Big, small, and in between, they are a part of life here in the south. Many of them are harmless, but others can be the bearers of serious trouble.

Kissing, or assassin, bugs are one of those critters that we want pet owners to worry about. The bite of this insect can carry an infection that is one to avoid. Chagas Disease in dogs is something that Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital wants Texan pet owners should know about.
