Pet Poisoning Prevention: Common Toxic Plants in the Yard and Garden
Springtime is the season for mulching, mowing, and prepping the garden beds, and of course, planting all of those beautiful blooms, shrubs, and edibles. And, because of this, it is also a good time to discuss pet poisoning prevention.
As a pet owner, this comes as no surprise to you – cats and dogs like to chew on foliage. Although grass, which is typically their preference, is relatively harmless (except when it comes to that new rug in the foyer), there are many popular plants that pose serious risks.
Plant Awareness, the Key to Pet Poisoning Prevention
As with any danger, awareness is integral to prevention, whether it come in the form of knowing what foods are potentially toxic or pet-proofing your home.
A Time of Cheer (and Fear): Protect Your Pet With our Holiday Pet Safety Guide
It’s easy to get carried away amidst the chaos of the holiday season. The list of things to do, see, taste, and decorate is endless, and it’s easy to abandon routine during the busiest time of year. However, your pet thrives on predictability, so ask yourself: where does he or she fit in during all the holiday hubbub?
Whether you’re the guardian of a dog, cat, ferret, reptile, pocket pet, or bird, we’d like to share some important holiday pet safety tips to avoid any emergency situations.
Let the festivities begin! Continue…