This Summer, Don’t Let Pet Noise Anxiety Get You Down

Most animals dislike loud, sudden, or prolonged noise. Whether it’s the vacuum cleaner, the trash truck, or power tools, they may bolt, hide or try to escape. 

Pet noise anxiety can occur throughout the year, but summer presents specific challenges to animals with aversions to seasonal hullabaloo. With tips from Ten West Bird & Animal Hospital, the next few months don’t have to be stressful for struggling animals.

Summer’s Clamor

Thunderstorms, firework displays, parades and parties galore are the sounds of summer – all of which can contribute to pet noise anxiety.


The More You Know About Pet Poison Prevention Could Save a Life 

March is a really important month for veterinary professionals and pet owners alike. Why? Because it’s Pet Poison Prevention Month! 

It might seem over-the-top to designate an entire month to raise awareness about this issue, but accidental exposure to harmful chemicals, toxic plants, dangerous foods, and human medications can place a pet in the crosshairs. 

Always Sniffing

Although their keen hearing and vision are important, pets primarily explore their environments with their senses of smell and taste. As a result, pet poison prevention should be a top priority in and around the home. Be sure to secure known toxins behind closed doors or in locked cabinets, and check floors and easily accessible surfaces on a daily basis.


Wake Up! It’s Time for Halloween Pet Safety

It’s pretty easy to get distracted by any approaching holiday, but with Halloween’s sugar and costume-filled intensity, preparing for the spookiest day of the year can be truly engrossing.

Without a doubt, even the most organized among us can forget important things like routine and safety in the long shadow of seasonal fun. However, with a concerted approach to Halloween pet safety you can still have all the amusement without the real scares.
