I Think My Pet Has Allergies. What Can I Do to Help Them?

While many triggers can certainly affect us year round, allergy “season” has officially arrived. This means lots of sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion caused by pollen-producing flowers. Like us, pets can be triggered by plant particles, but they suffer from other allergens, as well, lasting far beyond the typical spring/hay fever season. 

A pet’s allergy symptoms differ greatly from our own, however, and they can be incredibly subtle or misleading. If you suspect your pet has allergies to something, but aren’t quite sure, we have some tips to help connect the dots.


Shake Off Those Winter Blahs with These Indoor Pet Activities 

As much as we may want to, it’s not healthy to hibernate on the couch all winter. Not surprisingly, it’s not good for your pet, either. Unfortunately, when the dark, cold days keep us indoors, we have to be creative and find interesting ways to stay fit, engaged, and active with our four-legged friends. 

Your team at Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital have a few of our favorite ideas for keeping you and your pet moving indoors. This way, old man winter won’t keep you and your furry, feathered, or scaled one down!

10 Fun and Creative Indoor Pet Activities

Having fun with your pet doesn’t need to mean a lot of money or travel time. These awesome indoor pet activities will chase away the winter slump and get your pet moving.


What You Need to Know About Snake Safety and Pets

Dog approaching snake on tree stumpA snake is something we all hope our pets will never encounter, but, unfortunately in Texas, most of us have run across a snake or two. Snake bites are painful and some are also extremely harmful to our pets.

With over 105 snake species in Texas, it’s important to understand which snakes are a risk, where they tend to live, and how to help your pet avoid an encounter. That’s why Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital has compiled a list of things to watch for when it comes to snake safety and pets.

Friend or Foe?

What’s slithering around in our neck of the woods? In Texas, we really only need to know about the two types of venomous snakes that live here:

Pit vipers – Pit vipers are venomous snakes that have an opening on each side of the head, between the eye and the nostril. There are three types of pit vipers in Texas: copperheads, cottonmouths (water moccasins), and rattlesnakes (Texas has 8 subspecies of rattlesnake).

Coral snakes – Coral snakes are highly poisonous, but also shyer than pit vipers. You can recognize them by their red, yellow, and black bands (the yellow and red bands always touch). Continue…