What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Zoonotic Disease

A dog kisses a man in the back of an SUV.

The fact that people can get really sick from animals is nothing new, but with globalization and human impact on the environment, zoonotic diseases continue to be a fairly significant threat. Zoonoses can include a wide-range of pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and of course, viruses. One of the many takeaways from the massive, worldwide coronavirus pandemic is that people are thinking differently about the spread of zoonotic disease and the ways we can keep safe from exposure and infection.  


8 Frequently Reported Pet Behavior Problems

A smiling dog lies on its back on a bed.

Besides the fact that pets are the love of our life and have so many wonderful qualities, there are behaviors that… well, annoy us. 

Pet behavior problems are the overwhelming reason why many pets end up in shelters. Behaviors can range from mildly problematic to even dangerous, when there is aggression. 


What Was That!? Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

Small dog sticks out done in the middle of a sneeze.

Dogs make a wide variety of sounds, from that happy bark when you come home to gumbles and whines when they want to be fed. But when a dog has an episode of reverse sneezing, it may seem like they are unable to get enough air or trying to get something out of their windpipe. The sound resembles a goose honk and can be disconcerting to pet owners.

The team at Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital is here to explain what occurs during reverse sneezing in dogs and what you can do to help your best friend.
