Keeping Your Pet Ferret Healthy and Happy

Keeping Your Pet Ferret Healthy and Happy

A pet Ferret requires more care and attention than a pocket pet like a hamster. But they need less indoor and outdoor space than a dog. Their diet and habitat requirements are pretty specific. They have that distinctive musky aroma that is just part of who they are! Basically, ferrets are not for every family. But if you’re ready to welcome a spunky, curious, social, and intelligent critter into your home, read on to learn more about the basics of ferret care.


10 Creative Halloween Costumes for Exotics: Birds, Bearded Dragons, and Snakes Edition

costumes for exoticsIt’s that time of year, when the ghouls come out to play and the wee trick or treaters demand sugary treats. Halloween is a favorite holiday for young and old, and most of the family gets into the mix – even our pets. But when it comes to pet costumes, why should dogs and cats get all of the fun?

Exotic pets are becoming much more popular as companion animals, and all of the many benefits that were once extended only to traditional pets are now offered to exotics, such as toys, supplies, treats, and even holiday-themed apparel, including Halloween costumes. Want to dress your cockatoo as a pirate? Or your pet “snek” as a witch? You got it!

At Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital, we have 10 suggestions for the most fashionable (and funny!) costumes for exotics.
