Everyone Wins With Summer Pet Safety

summer pet safety: dogSan Antonio’s average summer heat index ranks in the top 10 hottest U.S. cities, but we can handle it! In fact, we’re known to embrace (or at least happily tolerate) our sweltering conditions, but what about the pets we share our lives with? Here are the top summer pet safety tips to beat the Texas heat.

They may be just as tough as we are – until they’re not. Undoubtedly, heat exhaustion and heatstroke are very real threats to summer pet safety. Reduce risks to your pet with our tips that aim to keep your pet cool and comfortable this summer and all year long.


Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Whether or not you’re mentally prepared for the changing seasons, Halloween is upon us – and it’s likely that this fact has probably not missed by your intuitive, observant pet. There’s a great deal to get excited about, but the best results can only be achieved with a diligent approach to Halloween pet safety. Prevent a full-fledged pet emergency this fall with Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital’s special guide.

Not For Everyone

Halloween may just be another holiday on your calendar, or perhaps it takes over your entire household. Whatever the case may be, your pet deserves your full attention on October 31st. Here are the top pet safety tips for Halloween:


Protect Your Companion: Summer Pet Safety Awareness

Pool DogSummertime in San Antonio means hot, humid days, and staying cool is the number one priority. It’s also important to protect your pet from the warm weather and intense UV rays.

Proper summer pet safety means adjusting your daily care routine, including exercise and outdoor playtime. To help your companion deal with the dog days of summer, our team has compiled some of the most effective summer pet safety tips.
