Stay Out of the Heat, and Other Tips for Summer Pet Safety

woman and dog playing

The hottest day on record in San Antonio was September 5, 2011. At 111 degrees Fahrenheit, life sort of…stood still. 

While that was some time ago, San Antonio residents are all too familiar with summer heat in excess of 100 degrees, a temperature that feels worse when combined with extreme humidity. We manage, though, because we know how to take extra care of ourselves in the heat. Pets, on the other hand, don’t know when to slow down and rest, which could lead to serious heat-related issues.


Everyone Wins With Summer Pet Safety

summer pet safety: dogSan Antonio’s average summer heat index ranks in the top 10 hottest U.S. cities, but we can handle it! In fact, we’re known to embrace (or at least happily tolerate) our sweltering conditions, but what about the pets we share our lives with? Here are the top summer pet safety tips to beat the Texas heat.

They may be just as tough as we are – until they’re not. Undoubtedly, heat exhaustion and heatstroke are very real threats to summer pet safety. Reduce risks to your pet with our tips that aim to keep your pet cool and comfortable this summer and all year long.
