The Importance of Pet Wellness Care
Pets might appear happy and healthy, but just the opposite could be the case. Most pets are adept at eluding the keen observations of their owners, instinctually masking any signs that they are ill or injured. This is why pet wellness care is so important. These exams can detect problems early, and increase the odds of a good prognosis.
Everything Is Fine
Many of us go through life assuming we are fine until we are in need of urgent care. This same is true for pets. Pet wellness exams provide the chance to get to know a pet. Establishing a healthy baseline not only helps us maintain the facets of health, but clues us in to possible problems down the road. If we only see and treat a pet when they are unwell, we don’t have all of the pieces to their healthcare puzzle.
Routine pet wellness exams may seem unnecessary when a pet’s health appears unchanged, but regular appointments help to customize:
- Disease prevention (with updated vaccinations)
- Parasite prevention medication
- Dental care
- Behavior
- Diet and nutritional needs
- Exercise and behavior
- Long-term health goals
Considering the critical nature of all of the above, pet wellness exams provide a unique window into a pet’s needs and creates an opportunity to promote their long-term wellness and vitality.
Advanced Veterinary Diagnostics
We take significant time to conduct a thorough nose-to-tail physical exam. However, we can only see what’s on, or just below, the surface. For example, since periodontal disease affects the gums, we can only guess at the extent of the disease’s damage to the gums until we take digital X-rays of the teeth and gums. Similarly, we may observe or feel obvious markers of various health problems, but without advanced veterinary diagnostics, we cannot fully know the cause or scope of certain symptoms.
Analyzing blood, urine, stool, and/or tissue samples, we can make qualified deductions about the presence of disease, or the indicators of future problems. Rapid, accurate diagnostics help us design a treatment plan that is effective and affordable.
How to Keep a Puppy or Kitten Healthy
Puppies and kittens are highly vulnerable to serious health conditions. It is critical to balance the need to establish lifelong health with the prevention of contagious disease. As soon as they are adopted or as early as 6 weeks old, puppies and kittens should have their pet wellness exam for these reasons:
- Intestinal parasite screening and/or treatment
- Deworming
- Vaccinations
- Parasite prevention for fleas, ticks, and heartworm
- Nutrition
- Behavior
- Housetraining
- Dental Care
- Spaying or neutering
- Microchipping
- Grooming
Pet Check Ups
We love to meet new pets and catch up with established patients. If you have any questions about the structure of pet wellness exams or the advantages of preventive veterinary medicine, please give us a call at (210) 696-1700. Our doctors and staff members are always here to help at Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital.