Winter Pet Care in South Texas

Everybody outside of Texas knows about our scorching summers, but less is known about our winter conditions. Winter pet care in South Texas is just as important as it is anywhere else, and we can help you get through chilly nights, windy days, and overcast skies.
Prepare for the Unexpected
South Texans are well-versed in the art of planning for unpredictable weather patterns. Applying our skills in disaster preparedness can protect our pets from chilly dips in temperature, rain, and wind.
A good place to start is by recognizing that most pets are just as sensitive to the cold weather as people are. If it’s too cold for you outside, it’s probably too cold for your pet as well.
Limiting Their Time
If your pet seems to enjoy the cooler temperatures you can indulge them with some supervision. If/when they show any signs of overexposure to the elements (shivering, lethargy/exhaustion, pale gums, disorientation), bring them indoors immediately. You can help them stay comfortable and dry in weatherproof sweaters, jackets, or vests.
A cozy, self-heating, orthopedic bed can promote warmth and comfort in pets of all ages, but especially older pets with arthritis. These animals should only go outside with their people, and for limited periods of time. It’s crucial to know a pet’s limitations to uphold winter pet safety strategies.
Keeping Them Going
Winter is a time for slowing down, but we don’t want pets to become too sedentary. Engage them at home with various mental and physical workouts, and watch their portion sizes and snacks. They may require more calories to stay warm this winter, but they can wind up gaining weight. We are happy to provide nutritional counseling, address behavior and lifestyle concerns, and help you find the right routine for your pet’s age and energy levels.
Watch Those Feet
Paw pads can get dry, cracked, and simply worn down during the winter months. Protect them from the cold, ice melt, salt, or antifreeze with waterproof/insulating booties. Otherwise, wash their paws after any time spent indoors and apply a soothing balm to the paw pads.
Keep their skin and coat healthy by limiting baths. Brush their coat to evenly distribute the skin’s oils and protect them from the elements.
Winter Pet Care in Texas
Our staff is always here to help you achieve pet safety regardless of the season. To help you address specific challenges related to the winter in South Texas, we recommend the following safety tactics:
- Always ensure your pet has access to clean, fresh water (especially if they stay outside in their weatherized shelter).
- Never leave your pet unattended inside a parked car; it can act like an ice box!
- Store all chemicals and poisons, including antifreeze and rodenticide, inside locked cabinets, and always clean up leaks.
- Be mindful of any heat sources like space heaters, electric blankets, and fire pits. Only allow your pet near these when you’re home.
- Bang on the hood of your car before starting it up; cats tend to seek a cozy spot to nap next to the engine.
If our team can assist you with any questions or concerns about your pet’s winter safety needs, please call us at (210) 696-1700.