Experienced in Pet Health and Veterinary Care
The relationship between humans and animal companions is reinforced by vigorous health. A healthy pet is happy, curious, playful, and interactive — the makings for a terrific and lasting friendship. It is clear that our special bond with our pets is enhanced by our commitment to their general good health.
Regular wellness exams help maintain and support pet health and allow for early diagnosis and treatment of pet health concerns, often minimizing or avoiding serious, debilitating illnesses. From very young to senior pets, Ten West offers veterinary health care tailored to your pet needs, wishes, and lifestyle.
Generally, depending upon type of pet, you will need to bring your companion for a wellness exam at least twice annually, more often if there are health issues or as your pet enters the senior years. Many aspects of your pet’s health can change quickly and without visible signs, making the bi-annual veterinary exam a critical key to a long and productive life for companion animals.
Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital maintains a comprehensive health history for every pet, including a complete examination of the following areas:
- Vital statistics, such as pulse, respiration, and body weight
- Ears, for infections, infestations, and general function
- Eyes, for eye health and function, as well as signs of other health issues
- Mouth, for teeth and gum issues or infections and signs of anemia
- Heart and lungs, for signs of cardiac or respiratory disease
- Reproductive organs, for general health and to discuss plans for spay or neuter
- Skin, for parasites, wounds, tumors, irregularities, and to gauge general health
- Digestive, for parasites, infections, obstructions, appropriate diet, and overall health
Your pet will be examined from head to toe, including joints, muscles, limbs, and internal organs. We will ask you to observe and report on your pet’s daily behavior and routine, as well as how much he or she eats, drinks, exercises, and sleeps. We will want to know about any unusual behavior such as changes in eating or drinking, withdrawal, aggression, coughing, scratching, or abnormal bowel or bladder function.